Monday, July 20, 2020

Dr. Manny Calls For Hagerty to Stop Hiding and Debate

Press release, NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Republican Senate candidate and conservative outsider Dr. Manny Sethi today invited Ambassador Bill Hagerty to join him for a public debate on major issues facing our state and our nation.

 “Early voting has begun, and voters want to hear directly from Ambassador Hagerty and myself, discussing our differences,” said Dr. Manny. “It’s simple, it’s time for Ambassador Hagerty to debate. This is a tight race, and with COVID limiting voter interactions for the last few months, most folks haven’t been able to hear from the candidates directly. This is a great way to allow that to happen, so they can make an educated and informed choice. I look forward to debating him soon.”

“Bill Hagerty is spending millions smearing Manny Sethi. He should stop hiding behind his Super PAC’s false attack ads and face Dr. Sethi like a man,” said Chris Devaney, Campaign Chairman.

Rod's Comment: I have not endorsed a candidate in this race. I think we have two good candidates and would be pleased to have either one of them represent me in the Senate. I don't think you could see daylight between their ideological positions.

"Insider" is a term the less experienced candidate often uses to label a more experienced candidate. I do not find it helpful in telling me what I need to know about a candidate to help me make up my mind about how I will vote. By labellng Hagerty an "insider," Sethi is not winnng any points with me. I have never been persuaded that experience is a bad thing.

In the last race for governor, my vote was Diane Black's to lose and she lost it. I am sick of candidates smearing good people with nitpicky attacks making mountains out of molehills. I normally to do not vote early and doubt I will this time. I will be watching the campaigns. Rather than one of two good candidates wining me over, I suspect that one of the candidates will drive me into the camp of the other by his use of negatives attacks.

The above being said, I must commend Dr. Sethi for being accessible and criticize Mr. Hagerty for not being seen. I have seen Dr. Sethi speak twice at Fist Tuesday and a couple other times at other events and have had other opportunities to see him speak if I had wanted. Hagerty has not spoken to First Tuesday, nor am I aware of other opportunities to see him speak since he announced his candidacy for Senate.  Hagerty may lose my vote simply because he has not been seen.

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