Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Four Bills aimed at "reforming" Metro police, including the tear gas ban bill, were withdrawn in Metro Council.

by Rod Williams, 7/22/2020 - Four separate bills aimed at changing local law enforcement practices were withdrawn at last night's Council meeting.  One by Councilman Colby Sledge would have banned use of choke holds.  Another bill sponsored by Sharon Hurt would have allowed people interacting with the police the right ask the police officer if his body camera was on and would have required police to answer, “The video is on. How may I serve you?”. Another sponsored by Sharon Hurt would have required police to have annual implicit bias training.

A bill by Emily Benedict would have banned use of tear gas. It only barely passed first reading so was obviously doomed for defeat. Police argued it would take away an important deescalation tool.

For more on this topic see below.
Nashville council withdraws slate of police reform legislation
Metro Council debates several police reform bills and related matters in a lengthy meeting
Nashville council members hear from law enforcement as they weigh police reform bills

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