Friday, July 17, 2020

If you have not yet signed a recall petition, do so tomorrow!

Who is that masked man collecting signatures for the recall petition at Howard School
By Rod Williams - Yesterday I worked in Bellevue at the Highway 100 Publix grocery store shopping center gathering signatures for the recall petitions, today I worked early voting at the Howard School office complex, and tomorrow I will be working the Antioch library early voting location. It is hot! Stop and say hi.

There will be volunteers working all early voting locations tomorrow. Tomorrow will most likely be the last opportunity to sign a petition to recall the mayor and members of the Council who voted to pass a 34% property tax increase. All petitions  must be turned in to the election commission by 5PM Monday.

For a list of early voting locations, follow this link. For other petition locations, follow this link. If you signed a Change.Org petition to recall the mayor, you still need to sign one of these official petitions.  The Change.Org recall petition is not in the right format to be acceptable to the Election Commission.

If you have been gathering signatures for a recall petitions, you can trun in the petitions to one of the  Notax4Nash volunteers at one of the locations tommorrow.  If you miss that opportunity or want to gather signatures up until the last opportunity, private message Notax4Nash on Facebook or email at to make arrangements to turn in your petition. If  you want to keep working on petitions over the weekend, please go ahead and turn in what signed petitions you already have, tommorrow.

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