Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Metro Council appoints Berthena Nabaa-McKinney to Metro Nashville Board of Education

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Berthena Nabaa-McKinney
by Rod Williams, 7/21/2020 - Tonight the Council had four candidates to choose from to replace Anna Shepherd on the Board of Education. Anna Shepherd passed away in June leaving a vacancy. The race was looked at as a toss-up between community activist John Little and longtime educators Stephanie Bradford and Berthena Nabaa-McKinney.

Little has drawn attention in recent weeks, after State Rep. Antonio Parkinson, D Memphis, wrote to the council urging members not to appoint Little. Little is a proponent of school choice. Not surprisingly, the Council did not appoint Little, instead the Council appointed Berthena Nabaa-McKinney.  As is our school board, the Metro Council opposes school choice.

After three rounds of voting Nabaa-McKinney was appointed by a vote of 25-14. The appointment is only for a short time.  In November the remainder of Shepherd's term comes to an end and there will an election to fill this seat.

The candidate with the most union support was Stephanie Bradford. She had the support of the teachers unioin (MNEA), the Service Employees International (SEIU) Union Local 205, and the Central Labor Council of Nashville and Middle Tennessee.

For more on this story see:
Metro Council appoints Berthena Nabaa-McKinney to Metro Nashville Board of Education
Metro Council to choose between former educators, charter school advocate for empty school board seat Tuesday
State Rep. Parkinson urges Metro Council not to appoint John Little to school board

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