Monday, July 20, 2020

This is who is running for school board and none of them deserve a vote.

by Rod Williams- Our schools are failing. As population has grown in Nashville, the number of children enrolling in Metro Public Schools has been shrinking. Families with school age children are fleeing Metro Schools.  The number of schools on the State list of failing schools is growing.  We had the terrible experience of having Dr. Shawn Joseph as director and the scandals surrounding his administration. And, our School Board routinely votes against school choice. 

We have a School Board election coming up August 6th and five of the nine districts will be electing school board members.  Don't look for things to get better.  I expect things to get worse.  I have listed below the members running for school board and what information I could find about them.  I see no reason to vote for any of them.  When only presented with bad choices, do not feel compelled to vote.  I would recommend skipping these contest or writing in one's own name.


BARRY BARLOW. Barlow was a 2019 unsuccessful candidate for District 3 of the Nashville Metro Council. I cannot find any more information about him.

Sharon Gentry
SHARON GENTRY. Gentry is the chairman of the School Board and is seeking reelection. She was first elected to the Board in 2008. Gentry is the director of clinical informatics strategic development, innovation, and integration at HCA. She earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Xavier University of Louisiana, a master's degree in mechanical engineering from Tennessee State University, and a doctoral degree in education from Tennessee State University. She and her husband have two daughters.

She has overseen the decline in the quality of education and has a record of opposing public school choice and does not deserve to be reelected. See her campaign Facebook page at this link.

Robert Taylor
ROBERT TAYLOR. Robert Taylor was born in Washington, D.C. He attended Fisk University. Taylor's career experince includes working as a Rule 31 Medinator, not that I know what that is. I got this off of Ballopedia. You can visit his website at this link.

SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT 3 (This is the seat formerly occupied by Jill Speering.)

Brian Hubert
BRIAN HUBERT. Visit his website at this link.  He say, "I will fight against vouchers, budget cuts, and the neglect of our teachers."  That is a reason I would tend to not support him. His website says he is a 2003 graduate of Hunters Lane High School and does not mention any higher education.

Emily Masters
EMILY MASTERS. Visit her website at this link. She is endorsed by the Metro Nashville Education Association, Central Labor Council of Nashville & Middle TN, SEIU Local 205, and Women in Numbers. She served on the PTO board of Dan Mills
Elementary for 7 years. She works as  a freelance fundraising consultant.

Christiane Buggs

CHRISTIANE BUGGS. She is seeking reelection running unopposed. She has two Master’s degrees in Education—one in Curriculum and Instruction from Tennessee State University and the other in Urban Education from Vanderbilt University.  Visit her website at this link.


Freda Player-Peters
FREDA PLAYER-PETERS. She is seeking reelection, running unopposed. In September 2019, she was elected to the School Board by the Metro Council to complete the term of  Will Pinkston who resigned his position. Freda Player-Peters was at the time serving as the Nashville Mayor's Office senior legislative liaison.  For more information see this link. To visit her website, follow this link.


RUSSELLE ANN BRADBURY. To visit her website, follow this link. She has a masters degree in Social Work and a good record of volunteerism. She has the endorsement of Run For Something. FRS "endorses candidates who deeply value inclusion, diversity, and constituent voices, and run grassroots, all-in, progressive campaigns that reflect these values." That is all I need to know.

a master’s degree in education and is a former teacher. She commits to fully fund Metro Schools, which means give them whatever amount they ask for. I am not engaging in hyperbole; that is really what that means. She says she will oppose charter schools and vouchers. She has the endorsement of the teachers union (MNEA). To visit her website, follow this link.

There is not much information about these races and candidates are not doing much to distinguish themselves. From what I have learned about the candidates, I do not want any of them elected.

These are the candidates endorsed by SEIU: District 1 – Dr. Sharon Gentry District 3 – Emily Masters District 5 – Christiane Buggs District 7 – Freda Player-Peters  District 9 – Abigail Tylor. This is reason enough to not vote for them.

As to who has the money in these races, as reported in Dad Gone Wild, District 3 candidate Brian Hubert reports $5349.26 in small donations and District 9 candidate Russelle Bradbury is reporting $11,381.59 in contributions.

For more information, see these stories:
Metro Nashville school board candidates discuss reopening, equity, charters during forum
Replay: Nashville School Board candidate forum

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