Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Metro Council moves to expand Metro police powers

by Rod Williams - Last night the council passed two bills on first reading that would expand the authority of Metro government to enforce Covid-19 health orders. One would allow Metro employees who are not police officers or employees of the Metro Health Department to issue citations. The other bill would allow Metro Codes and the Fire Marshal to post stop work orders on construction projects where health orders are not being followed.

Both of these were late filled resolutions.  While I oppose both, I do not criticize council members who voted for them on first reading.  First reading is a formality that allows the bills to be considered.  To become law the bills must be voted on two more times. I hope both are defeated on second reading.

I oppose these bills because I do not want to expand the capability of the city to harass citizens. Also, Metro can not be trusted with more power.  The enforcement of health orders is not applied uniformly.  If thousands of people stage a sit-in on lower Broadway, the health orders are not enforced.  If more than 25 people gather from some other purpose, or if a person is not wearing a mask and the wearer is not engaging in a favored political protest, then the order is enforced. 

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1 comment:

  1. The Council is out of control, we are being led by a group of Communist Hate America Carpetbaggers. Besides the inability to do simple math, the ridiculous proposed transportation budget and now wanting to empower rank and file Metro Employee's the power to harass people (which I can see ending badly very quick).

    The cowardly Napoleon Cooper and his band of misfit "Health Officials" still refuse to confront the real hot spots. Which is the M'boro rd, Antioch, Nolensville Rd area. Instead they would rather harass Broadway Bar owners and tourist.
