Saturday, August 01, 2020

Rally to re-open Nashville

Monday at 12 PM
68–88°F Thunderstorms
Courthouse Square Park 
Hosted by Crystal Eisermann and Cyndi Sands

Please join us on Monday August 3rd at Public Square Park in front of the courthouse at 12pm to rally for the mayor to open us up and let us earn a living. We need to convey the message that we are ready to follow the rules of the phases just like every other restaurant, store or anything else that is currently allowed to be open. All we are asking is for the opportunity to make money. 

Everyone attending MUST WEAR A MASK; we don’t want our message lost or criticized over something so trivial. We have lots of people with great ideas and they are all welcome to post them here! We need to make sure that our message is loud and clear and that message is that we are not only ready to go back to work, but have to if we’re going to survive this. For more infromation, follow this link

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