Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Tennessee to get tough on violent protestors

by Rod Williams. 8/12/2020- The state legislature passed a bill today that would increase the penalty for protesters illegally camping out on legislative plaza or other state property, require arrested protesters to spend a 12-hour minimum before making bail, create a misdemeanor offense of assault for spitting or throwing bodily fluids on a first responder, create a felony offense for using a weapon or causing serious injury to a first responder, make it a felony to trespass on the property of an elected official, law enforcement officer or judge with the intent to harass, charge with theft and pay restoration for  vandalizing state buildings or entrances, make it a felony to block an emergency vehicle from accessing a street or highway while responding to an emergency call or from blocking an emergency exit door in a building if there is a threat to the health or safety of someone inside. 

I approve. It is time to get tough. Enough is enough. 

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