Saturday, August 08, 2020

The further closing of Nashville. Ye shall have no fun. Tourist not welcome. No drinking allowed.

Prohibits open consumption, possession, and late-night to-go sales of alcoholic beverages in Downtown, Midtown areas 

Metro Nashville press release,  August 7, 2020,  NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Mayor John Cooper today announced Order 10 from the Metro Public Health Department, which takes effect Saturday, August 8, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. CDT. 

Within the geographic areas in Nashville depicted on the attached maps covering Downtown and Midtown, Order 10 prohibits: 
  • the open consumption or possession in an open container of any alcoholic beverage outside of permitted establishments; 
  • any sale of alcohol by a restaurant except when sold for consumption on premises or for off-premises delivery; 
  • any sale of alcohol by a limited service or restaurant or bar except when sold for off-premises delivery; and 
  • all curbside and to-go sales of alcoholic beverages. 
A copy of the signed order is attached.

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