Thursday, August 06, 2020

The Most Educated City in Every State: Tennessee - Nashville-Davidson–Murfreesboro–Franklin

Adults with a bachelor’s degree: 35.9% (state: 27.5%)
Median household income: $65,919 (state: $52,375)
July unemployment: 2.7% (state: 3.5%)
Number of college and universities: 56 

Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, is also the best-educated city in the state. It is the only metro area of the 10 in the state where more than one in every three adults has a bachelor’s degree or higher. In Knoxville, the second best-educated city in the state, only 28.7% of adults have a four-year degree. Adults with a bachelor’s degree are nearly half as likely to be unemployed as those with just a high school diploma, and in Nashville, the unemployment rate stands at just 2.7%, well below the 3.5% state rate.

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