Wednesday, August 05, 2020

The New York Times: Tennessee Republicans, Once Moderate and Genteel, Turn Toxic in the Trump Era.

In the Senate primary race to replace Lamar Alexander, two candidates are fighting to see who can better emulate the president. It isn’t pretty.

The New York Times -  .....Mr. Hagerty ..., with an attack-filled tirade, claiming that Mr. Sethi, an orthopedic surgeon, had an “abysmal” record of supporting the Trump agenda and a soft spot for “socialized medicine.” 

 Amid a chorus of boos from Mr. Sethi’s supporters, Bill Lee, the governor of Tennessee, who has remained publicly neutral in the race, nudged Zach Wamp, a former congressman from the area. “Have you ever seen anything like this?” he asked. “No,” Mr. Wamp, who has endorsed Mr. Sethi, recalled, responding, “I haven’t.” 

 ...when Mr. Sethi, trying to position himself as the more authentic ally of the president, called Mr. Hagerty “Mitt Romney’s guy” and erroneously claimed Mr. Romney had endorsed him, Mr. Hagerty attacked his former friend,... 

.....The contest has become a proxy war of sorts for Republicans looking to gain a foothold in an early, so-called S.E.C. primary state ahead of the 2024 presidential election, with Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas stumping for Mr. Hagerty and Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul of Kentucky hosting rallies for Mr. Sethi. 

... Hagerty’s ceaseless promotion of Mr. Trump’s endorsement, have only served to highlight how unnatural a mouthpiece he can seem for Trumpism. “It just reads as kind of a campaign tactic — not a lot of heart and soul in it,” said Tom Ingram. ...

... Mr. Hagerty has relentlessly attacked Mr. Sethi for donating $50 in 2008 to ActBlue, a liberal fund-raising platform. One recent Hagerty ad features a wounded veteran who says the donation shows that voters cannot trust Mr. Sethi to defend the American flag.

...Meanwhile, Mr. Sethi has attempted to link Mr. Hagerty to the Black Lives Matter protests, launching a web ad that points to Mr. Hagerty’s recent position on the board of an investment firm that issued statements in support of the movement following George Floyd’s death at the hands of police in Minnesota. (Read more)

Rod's Comment: I am totally disgusted with this campaign.  I am disgusted with both candidates.  I would have been pleased if either one were to be elected.  Now, I don't think either one of them deserve to be elected. 

I don't think you can see daylight between their ideological positions and both of them are capable and have certain talents.  There is something to recommend either of them.   It is a shame that have each ran such vicious negative campaigns.  

In my whole life, I don't think I have ever not voted when I had the opportunity.  I have not yet voted in this election and  not sure I am going to bother.  If I vote, I don't know if I will vote for Byron Bush or George S. Flinn for Senate. 

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