Wednesday, August 19, 2020

With Nashville losing $100M a week in visitor spending, city 'scrambling' to forecast for the future

The Tennessean - Nashville businesses have so far lost $2.45 billion in visitor spending due to COVID-19 and are losing more than $100 million per week as the pandemic continues, according to the Nashville Convention and Visitors Corp. 

The loss in spending by visitors coming to Music City for leisure, business and sports has meant a $92 million loss in local sales and hotel taxes and fees collected by the city between mid-March and Aug. 1, officials at the visitors corporation told The Tennessean. 

The new projections come as the group last week announced convention cancellations alone in Nashville will net an estimated $1 billion loss for businesses due to more than 1,200 cancellations since February through June next year.  (read more)

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