Sunday, September 13, 2020

American Nativity Scene needs volunteers to put a nativity scene in the state capitol.

From The Thomas Moore Society: 

Can you honor our Lord in a special way this year by bringing the nativity scene to your state capitol? To get a nativity on the state capitol grounds, we need private citizens like you to team up with the American Nativity Scene and the Thomas More Society. 

If you are willing to volunteer this year and express your freedom of speech and freedom of religion we can help you do it right! 

In 2019 we were able to help bring the nativity to a record 27 state capitols, the largest number in our history.  This year there are a few states where we are still lacking volunteers, and your state is one of them. We need you, and folks like you, to help us get nativities in your home state's capitol. 

Our staff are available to offer free legal help for our volunteer applicants and the American Nativity Scene is available to supply a free nativity set to be displayed. All we need is an eager volunteer to help organize an event, build a creche for the Holy Family, and bring them into the public square. 

The American Nativity Scene has an ambitious goal to get a nativity in your state this year, will you help us?

If you'd like to volunteer, or are a part of a group that can volunteer, please contact us by email, to help walk you through the steps of applying for a permit to display a nativity scene on your state's capitol.

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