Monday, September 14, 2020

Council to vote to accommodate sidewalk café dining. Will Metro protect the dinners?

by Rod Williams - On September 1, the Metro Council passed by voice vote on second reading Substitute Bill BL2020-403 which modified the Metropolitan Code of Laws relative to sidewalk cafes. It allows them to expand into sidewalk right of ways, allows restaurants to convert a part of their parking lot to dining areas and allows the sale of alcoholic beverages at the outside dining areas including public sidewalks.  

I support this and think it needs to pass on third reading.  We need to make reasonable accommodations to allow people to safely carry on with their lives and the economy to function.  However, across the nation sidewalk cafes have become a target of BLM aggression.  Metro needs to commit to provide law and order so customers of sidewalk cafes are not subject the the violence and disruption, seen in these two videos. 

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