Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Liberty on the Rocks - Nashville, Thursday, October 15, 2020, 5:30 PM


Who: A group of people, numbering anywhere between 8 and 25, who love liberty and who range in age from 18 to 80, and who vary in occupation from students to laborers to attorney's and businessmen, who are generally labeled "right of center" and may call themselves, libertarian, tea party, Republican, conservative, constitutionalists, Objectivist, and an occasional anarcho-capitalist.

What: Liberty on the Rocks is a get-together that involves eating and drinking and talking and respectfully disagreeing and exchanging of ideas usually about some political topic (but not always political) which could be the upcoming election, or Mayor Cooper's handling of the response to Corona and the massive tax increase, other news of the day, or foreign policy, or the monetary system, or the roll of the family and gay marriage, or legalization of drugs or prostitution, or the welfare state, or education reform, or criminal justice and prison reform, or the death penalty, or immigration policy, or morality and values, or the current civil unrest, or just whatever topic one brings up. No prayer, no pledge, no speaker, no program. 

When: Thursday, October 15 from 5:30 or whenever people arrive which starts about 5:30  until everyone leaves which usually means people start leaving about 8:30, but sometime later but you can come as late or leave as early as you please.  

Where: Southside Kitchen and Pub, 2190 Nolensville PK, Nashville, TN.

Why: For the enjoyment of good conversation with like-minded people or at least mostly sensible people.

To RSVP or map follow this link.  If you fail to RSVP, just show up. No big deal. 

Time to get back to socialism- socializing. Since the onset of the nasty virus, attendance at these events has dropped. Don't let these monthly get togethers fade away. 

First Beer on me. If you are new to Liberty on the Rocks and will be attending this Thursday for the first time, or the first time in a long time, let me know and the first round is on me. Rod Williams

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