Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Professor Brian Fitzpatrick guest speak of the Bastiat Society of Nashville, Wednesday, October 14th

AIER's Bastiat Society of Nashville invites you to join us tomorrow, October 14th, at 6:00pm for an in-person event with Professor Brian Fitzpatrick. The unexpected opportunity for President Trump to nominate a third judge - Amy Coney Barrett - to the Supreme Court brings to the forefront differing judicial interpretation approaches (e.g. originalism, textualism) and other key issues impacting the confirmation process, not the least of which is the impact of a nominee's religion. 

Professor Fitzpatrick, who has clerked for Associate Justice Antonin Scalia (a Justice who was known for strong opinions on these issues), will highlight the issues impacting the confirmation process that is currently underway. The Bastiat Society of Nashville's speaker series is co-sponsored by The Beacon Center of Tennessee & The Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) (affiliated with Middle Tennessee State University). This co-sponsorship does not necessarily constitute endorsement of the speakers' positions on the issues discussed. 

 Registration Required. Let us know if you're coming.

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