Saturday, October 17, 2020

Women with TDS march and then join the BLM mural painting party

Power Together Tennessee Women's March kicks off in Cumberland Park

The Tennessean Hundreds of people, in Middle Tennessee took to the streets late Saturday morning for a Women's March. ... Power Together Tennessee, the area march host, said the message is “to send an unmistakable message of our fierce opposition to Trump and his agenda" including his effort to fill the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Supreme Court seat.

The march is slated to end at the unveiling of Black Lives Matter mural on Woodland Street in East Nashville. ...

"I am marching because if we don’t demand change, our republic may not exist. I am marching because our democracy is on the line, said Yayne Abeba, Power Together Women’s March organizer.

.... the group wrote it would march in force "to send a clear message that we will not allow Trump and the GOP to endanger our lives any longer.

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