Wednesday, November 11, 2020

"F**k Off" Council member Ginny Welsch tells Council member Robert Swope in mass email posting.

Ginny Welsch
by Rod Williams -   Council member Ginny Welsch, the most radical member of the Metro Council, dropped the F-bomb on Councilman Robert Swope, a conservative member of the body.  She was chastised for doing so by Vice Mayor Jim Shulman who said: 
Robert Swope
"At the beginning of our last Council meeting (less than 48 hours ago) I started the meeting by requesting that all members of the Council show professional courtesy and respect towards each other and to the people that we serve. With this country divided, we need to step up and help lead the way towards bringing people together. Some of the emails on this chain do not reflect that request. I believe you can disagree with others without using inappropriate language and without being disrespectful. I expect the members of the Metropolitan Council to carry out their duties in a professional and appropriate way."

Welch defending herself and refused to back down.  She dropped another F-word commonly used by liberals to describe viewpoints with which they do no agree: "Fascism."  She said those who don't see things the way she does do not deserve respect or civility.

For more on this story see, Metro Council member to Trump-backing colleague: ‘(Expletive) off’ by Nate Rau, published in Nashville Lookout.

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