Sunday, November 15, 2020

Report from the Nashville Stop the Steal rally, Nashville, November 14, 2020

Cheryl Brown, Chair of the 
Williamson County Republican Party
Joy Villa sang the National Anthem

The second "Stop the Steal" rally in two weeks took place on Saturday in front of the State capitol building. There were speeches and cheers and music and a festive atmosphere according reports. Senator Mark Pody provided the opening comments. I did not attend the event, but coverage in the Tennessee Star provides a good report of it.  To read The Tennessee Star report of the event follow this link

Fox 17 has a 36 minute video you can watch at this link

Thanks to Cheryl Brown for providing this video of the event. It is about an hour and half long. 
To watch the video follow this link.

For Rick Williams's report and pictures from the rally, follow this link.

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