Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Senator Lamar Alexander says Joe Biden will soon be the president-elect, Trump needs to put the country first and have an orderly transition.

Sen. Alexander 
Press Release, MARYVILLE, Tenn., November 23, 2020 — United States Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today released the following statement: “The presidential election is rapidly coming to a formal end. Recounts are being completed. Courts are resolving disputes. Most states will certify their votes by December 8. Since it seems apparent that Joe Biden will be the president-elect, my hope is that President Trump will take pride in his considerable accomplishments, put the country first and have a prompt and orderly transition to help the new administration succeed. When you are in public life, people remember the last thing you do."

Rod's Comment:  I agree.

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  1. Lamar Alexander has been a never Trumper from the beginning of the administration. He is a perfect example for the need to close primaries in Tennessee. I hope Haggerty does not follow in his footsteps.

  2. Ahhhh.....the Rino class finally comes out of hiding. Good thing he is retiring, one less swamp creature to contend with. Guys like Lamar have underestimated The President for 4 yrs., we agree it is a steep road. But is we don't fight this now, then it will be over, elections from here on out will be rigged.
