Saturday, November 21, 2020

Stop the Steal Parade and Rally, Saturday, November 21, 2020.

What does "release the Kraken" mean?  The short answer is it means to reveal a trove of secret information that exposes the massive voter fraud and deep-state corruption and media complicity in stealing this election.  It sounds like a desperate conspiracy theory to me.  In mythology the Kraken is a legendary sea monster, sort of like a giant squid.  For more see these links: link, link, link

It the Trump administration has the Kraken caged, they better release him now, time is running out. 

Disclaimer: As the author of A Disgruntled Republican I often post items which I think may be of interest to the conservative, Republican, libertarian or the greater community. Posting of a press release or an announcement of an event does not necessarily indicate an endorsement. Rod

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