Wednesday, November 11, 2020

TN Senate Republicans support Trump’s effort to contest election


The letter was signed by Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, Jack Johnson, Ken Yager, Janice Bowling, Ferrell Haile, Joey Hensley, Paul Bailey, Ed Jackson, Mike Bell, Jon Lundberg, Rusty Crowe, Frank Nicely, Becky Massey, Mark Pody, Steve Southerland, Bill Powers, Bo Watson, Shane Reeves, Kerry Roberts, Art Swann, Paul Rose, Page Walley, John Stevens and Dawn White.

I fully support this position.  So far Senator Biden is not President-elect.  The media cannot confer a status and does not decide the outcome of elections.  Until all allegations of voter fraud have been investigated and legal challenges exhausted, the election outcome is still too close to call. What is the rush?  

Massive use of mail-in ballots is an open invitation to fraud.  I don't know if enough fraud occurred to change the outcome of an election or not and if it did occur, it may not be detectable or provable, yet we should not rush to call this election. This is the first election we have had that basically relied on the honor system. We should count every legitimate vote but not allow this election to be stolen, if we can prevent it.  

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