Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Gov. Lee Appoints Former Rep. John DeBerry to Cabinet

Press release, Monday, November 30, 2020, NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Today, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced that former member of the General Assembly Representative John DeBerry of Memphis will join his cabinet as a senior advisor. 

“John DeBerry is a respected leader and man of faith who has served our state with integrity for decades as both a legislator and civil rights champion,” said Gov. Lee. “John has fought to protect life, provide better education options for Tennessee students, and to reform our criminal justice system and I’m honored to have his counsel within the Cabinet.” 

DeBerry has represented the 90th House District of Tennessee since 1995. He is a graduate of Freed-Hardeman University and the University of Memphis and currently preaches at the Coleman Avenue Church of Christ in Memphis in addition to churches and organizations across the country.

“It’s been an honor to serve my constituents for the last 26 years,” said DeBerry. “I am proud of the work accomplished throughout my time with the Tennessee General Assembly and I look forward to serving Tennesseans in this statewide role.”

DeBerry will begin on Tuesday, December 1. In his role, DeBerry will serve on the governor’s Executive Leadership Team and his office will be in the Tennessee State Capitol.

by Rod Williams -Representative John Deberry was kicked out of the Democrat Party in May of this year because he was pro-life and favored school choice or as he put it, he would not be a "brainless idiot" for the Democrat Party. He ran for reelection as an independent but lost to Democrat candidate Torrey Harris who garnered 52% of the vote in the heavily Democrat district. (link)

As the Democrat Party has moved further to the left, there has been less tolerance for a diversity of viewpoints.  At one time there were a number of pro-life Democrats but now it is hard to find any.  On this and other issues the Democrat Party has imposed a strict orthodoxy.  Still, it took many by surprise when the Party prohibited a Democrat legislator of 26 years of the right to run as a Democrat.  The vote to strip Deberry of his Democrat credentials was not even close.  The Party's executive committee voted 41-18 to do so.

I am pleased that Governor Lee found a place in his administration of such a man of integrity and talents. 

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1 comment:

  1. This makes me cry happy tears. I hope God will use this man in a very mighty way. I just cried Sad tears to hear Christian attorney Steve Douglas Gibson has died from COVID 19 complications since I met him a couple of months ago at a meeting of people seeking to promote a citizen's Board of Judicial Conduct and oversight.
