Thursday, December 17, 2020

Only 15 percent of Tennessee Republicans believe Biden won election

By Carrie Moore, Vanderbilt University - Only 12% of Republican voters in Tennessee are confident that nationwide votes were counted fairly and accurately, as compared to 97% of Democrats. Even when assessing the accuracy of the vote count within the state, Republicans still expressed more doubt about the accuracy of the results than did Democrats.

Such a finding suggests that Trump’s attacks on the process extend to red states and his own supporters.

Almost a month after Election Day, only 15% of Republicans polled think Joe Biden is the legitimate winner of the presidential election, while 70% think Biden is trying to “steal the election.” 

By contrast, 95% of Democrats polled think Biden is the legitimate winner, and 70% think President Trump is trying to steal the election. In addition, 35% of Republicans did not think President Trump should concede after the Electoral College certifies their votes. 

“In no other time in recent history have we seen voters so skeptical and dissatisfied with election results,” Geer said. “Even those voters satisfied with the outcome remain concerned that the opponent is trying to steal the election. Such obstinance must be curbed or could result in a long-term decline in the public’s faith in democratic institutions.” (link)

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