Tuesday, December 08, 2020

The Beacon Center's 12 Days of Pork: # 1, "No, I won't back down." Welfare for Dave Ramsey

The Beacon Center, Dec. 8, 2020 - Finance guru Dave Ramsey once said, “For your own good, for the good of your family and your future, grow a backbone. When something is wrong, stand up and say it is wrong, and don’t back down.” 

Fine then. It’s wrong for taxpayers to fork over another $2 million—possibly more—for Ramsey’s company to expand its Franklin headquarters. This new handout is on top of the $3.5 million state and local governments gave the company for a previous expansion in 2015. 

Ramsey has long taught fiscal responsibility and pulled untold numbers of Americans from the brink of bankruptcy into financial freedom. It’s ironic, then, that some of those same families’ hard-earned money is headed to Ramsey Solutions. 

Beacon has long fought corporate welfare, where governments lavish some big businesses with massive handouts that other small businesses aren’t fortunate enough to receive, all at the expense of taxpayers. And we’ll continue that quest until the government stops picking winners and losers. 

Solution: End corporate welfare deals and reduce overall tax burdens for businesses of all sizes. 

on the first day of Christmas, the government gave to me… a bigger building for Dave Ramsey

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