Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Beacon Center's 12 days of pork, #4: "Caught Stealing," Jackson, Tn tosses money to the team.

The Beacon Center- The Jackson Generals are a Minor League Baseball affiliate of the Arizona
Diamondbacks. And the West Tennessee city’s taxpayers have been getting played. Intrepid reporting by the Jackson Sun earlier this year revealed that for every $50 collected by the city in taxes, $1 went to the team. The city tossed money to the team in four different ways: 
  • Utility and maintenance payments for the Generals’ stadium, totaling over $700,000 last year alone.
  • Capital improvements at the ballpark, which have ranged from a low of $12,000 last year all the way up to $365,000 in 2011. 
  • Almost $400,000 last year on marketing and advertising for the team, which was actually hidden in the city’s budget and not reported to taxpayers. 
  • Servicing on the $6.5 million loan the city took out to build the stadium, which the Sun estimates to cost about $213,500 a year. 
Talk about getting caught stealing. 

Solution: Sports teams and their millionaire and billionaire owners should build and pay for their own stadiums. 

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