Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Beacon Center's 12 days of pork, #9: Clarksville on thin ice with taxpayers.

The Beacon Center- Where are you going to hold your next ice skating party? 

Apparently the Montgomery County Commission  thinks it’s Clarksville. The commission approved construction of a multi-purpose event center with two ice rinks and a $130 million dollar plan to borrow the money to pay for it. Montgomery County Mayor Jim Durrett led the push for the 250,000 square foot compound in the middle of downtown Clarksville. While the massive complex is impressive, we doubt the bill taxpayers eventually receive will go over so well. 

Solution: Montgomery County leaders should focus on core government activities, not leisure activities. The private sector is there to meet these needs and taxpayers should not be forced to shoulder years of debt for “build it and they will come” plans. 

 on the ninth day of Christmas, the government gave to me… a skating rink with a hefty taxpayer fee

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