Saturday, November 21, 2020

Stop the Steal Parade and Rally, Saturday, November 21, 2020.

What does "release the Kraken" mean?  The short answer is it means to reveal a trove of secret information that exposes the massive voter fraud and deep-state corruption and media complicity in stealing this election.  It sounds like a desperate conspiracy theory to me.  In mythology the Kraken is a legendary sea monster, sort of like a giant squid.  For more see these links: link, link, link

It the Trump administration has the Kraken caged, they better release him now, time is running out. 

Disclaimer: As the author of A Disgruntled Republican I often post items which I think may be of interest to the conservative, Republican, libertarian or the greater community. Posting of a press release or an announcement of an event does not necessarily indicate an endorsement. Rod

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Friday, November 20, 2020

Seven MS-13 Gang Members Indicted by Federal Grand Jury in Violent Crime & Drug Distribution Conspiracy Involving Nashville & Middle Tennessee

Metro Nashville Press Release, 11/19/2020 - A federal grand jury in Nashville on Wednesday returned a 16-count superseding indictment charging seven MS-13 Gang members with conspiracy to distribute cocaine and marijuana, along with serious firearm-related offenses. 

Those charged are: Carlos Ochoa-Martinez, 31, Jason Sandoval, 35, Jorge Flores, 28, all of Nashville; Jose Pineda-Caceres, 22, and Franklin Hernandez, 21, both of Honduras; Gerson Serrano-Ramirez, 33, of El Salvador; and Juan Melendez, 25, of Lebanon, Tennessee. 

The indictment alleges that beginning in 2014 and continuing until yesterday, the defendants conspired with each other to obtain bulk quantities of marijuana and cocaine for redistribution in and around Middle Tennessee. Once the drugs were received, the defendants would reduce them into smaller quantities and sell them in and around nightclubs in Nashville, and from the parking lots and restrooms of these establishments. In order to maximize drug distribution in these nightclubs, the defendants would threaten rival and competing drug dealers who sold and attempted to sell cocaine and marijuana in the nightclubs. The indictment further alleges that, in order to protect their drugs, territory and proceeds, the defendants would acquire, carry and discharge firearms, and to maintain and extend control over their drug distribution they would commit acts involving murder, intimidation and assault against individuals who jeopardized their operations, including rival drug dealers. 
All defendants are in custody and will appear before a U.S. Magistrate Judge at a later date. 

Gerson Serrano-Ramirez, 33
If convicted, the defendants face a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison up to 40 years. This investigation is being conducted by the MNPD’s Gang & Crime Gun Units, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives, Homeland Security Investigations, and the Drug Enforcement Administration. Assistant United States Attorney Ahmed Safeeullah and Trial Attorney Matthew Hoff of the Justice Department’s Organized Crime & Gang Section are prosecuting this case.

Rod's Note: The identity of the people pictured is uncertain. The Metro press release showed two different pictures with the same name  and one picture twice with different names. You can view the press release at this link

Juan Melendez, 25
Franklin Hernandez, 21

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Thursday, November 19, 2020

Everyone needs to see this. The Trump team presents the evidence. Don't let anyone convince you this was a fair election.


by Rod Williams - I am reposting the Trump legal team news conference of today in case readers missed it elsewhere. This needs to be seen by everyone. It is powerful. If you missed it, please watch it.

Liberals and the mainstream press, which has lost any credibility they once had by selective reporting news and hiding news from the American people rather than reporting news, continues to falsely claim that there is no evidence of significant fraud in this election. The evidence of fraud is presented. It is overwhelming. There was massive fraud.  This is not the first time we have had election fraud in this country. This is the first time we have had massive mail-in voting so this is the first time in our history we have had such opportunity for fraud on this scale.  I do not know that a significant amount of fraud can be proven within the time frame allotted to change the outcome of the election.  Maybe it can't,  but one should not accept that this was a fair election.  

I still think O. J. Simpson was guilty of murder. That it could not be proven in a court of law will not cause me to believe he was innocent.  Joseph Stalin was never convicted of a crime but that does not stop me from believing he was responsible for the death of approximately three million Russians.  I still believe Al Capone was guilty of more than just tax evasion.  

With time, I believe the Trump team could prevail in their challenges to this election but time is running out.  In addition to time running out, some fraud can not be proven. Once the mail-in ballot was removed from the envelope in which it was mailed, that fraud became unprovable.  When observers were prevented from viewing and examining the process of opening and counting mail-in ballots, the opportunity to prove the fraud was lost forever.  A recount is simply a recount of fraudulent ballots.  Probably the only way to change the outcome of this election at this point is if the Trump team prevails on the allegation of election fraud tied to Dominion software.  

Assuming the Dominion software challenge is not successful, Joe Biden has probably won this election. Despite believing this election was likely won due to fraud, I think once we have exhausted all legal challenges and the election results are certified, assuming they are, we have to accept the outcome.  Accepting the outcome does not mean we have to agree that the outcome was correct.  Accepting the outcome does not mean we agree Joe Biden won honestly or we had a fair election. I will accept the outcome simply because the alternative to accepting the outcome is revolution.  I will accept the outcome because it is preferable to civil war. I will acquiesce. Hopefully we can move forward to insure the next election is fair and put safeguards in place to prevent future massive election fraud. 

If we lose, accept the outcome and welcome a peaceful transfer of power but don't let anyone tell you this was a fair election. Accepting the outcome does not mean we have to participate in the ceremonial transfer of power and pretend Joe Biden deserves his victory. Accept it because it is better than the alternative. Accepting the outcome does not mean we honor the outcome.

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Case against Dominion is our only hope of overturning the election.

Rebecca Ann Burke
by Rebecca Ann Burke- As a Constitutional scholar, Alan Dershowitz, today stated the direction of legal actions in the very same vein that I have been advocating here, and many disagree with. 

Today, we got a global view of the legal actions being pursued. Dershowitz characterizes these as of TWO types: "retail" challenges based on individual accusations/affidavits about election fraud. Retail, because these are now "hearsay" and have to be ruled on one at a time and together may not be enough to overturn the election in a state or certainly, overall. This is consistent with what I have been saying, and suggesting that many of these legal cases be dropped or consolidated because they all cost money and distract and not yield enough votes to change the outcome. 

Dershowitz, speaks with great interest, about the second TYPE: "wholesale" challenge that was presented today. Again, this is the position I am taking. The issue of Dominion Election software is HUGE. If this can be disallowed or discredited, that turns the election in several states. However, note this, challenges to Dominion software use must be litigated STATE TO STATE. Each will decide, and if individual states agree that the results are suspect, the decision will end up in the US House of Representatives. This is a LONG path and we may not have time. Georgia, due to have their results CERTIFIED TOMORROW, must be stopped. Governor Brian Kemp seems determined to allow the certification. This is one step closer to making an election impossible to overturn, or at least very highly unlikely. 

As Dershowitz says, and I hasten to add that it has been my position in saying I am not optimistic, TIME is NOT on our side. Deadlines are proscribed by the Constitution. However, it is this single WHOLESALE case against Dominion that I believe gives us our only hope of overturning the election.

Rebecca Ann Burke is an astute political observer and one whose opinion I respect. She served as a member to the Tennessee Republican Party Executive Committee for District 23 from 2014-2018. She is the past president of America First Federation. The above essay is reposted from Facebook.

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City bans family gatherings of more than 8, even in your own home.

The Tennessean: Nashville restricts gatherings to eight as COVID-19 spreads heading into holidays

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Nashville council members call for ethics review of actions by colleague Robert Swope

The Tennessean: Nashville council members call for ethics review of actions by colleague Robert Swope

...."At no time have I ever benefited financially, or otherwise, from any proposed solution, idea, design or concept that I have discussed with Metro over the past 5 years," he wrote. "In addition, there has never been a contract, agreement, or MOU between the City and myself or my company." 

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Nashville group prepares second petition to repeal property tax hike

By Vivian Jones , The Center Square, Nov 12, 2020 -  Another effort to repeal Nashville’s 34%
property tax increase is under way. 

Nashville Attorney Jim Roberts, who wrote the petition to repeal the tax increase ruled unconstitutional by Davidson County Chancellor Ellen Hobbs Lyle earlier this month, is finalizing a new petition to accomplish that goal. 

“The best use of our time and energy at this point is to redo the ballot initiative in a way that complies with with the judge’s criticisms … and put it back in front of the people and get it on the ballot,” Roberts told The Center Square. (link)

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Legislation filed to limit power of Tennessee’s metro health departments

By Vivian Jones, The Center Square, Nov 13, 2020-  A bill that would limit the power of Tennessee’s six metropolitan health departments has been filed for consideration by Knoxville Republican Rep. Jason Zachary, and it has gained the support of House leadership. 

The state’s six metropolitan health departments have issued public health orders since March to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including requiring the use of masks in their jurisdictions. The officials behind those orders are unelected, however, and not directly responsible to their constituents for their decisions.

Zachary’s legislation, House Bill 7, would give county mayors – not metro health departments – “exclusive authority to establish and implement” policies in response to public health crises. County health directors and boards of public health would be able to advise the mayor on the orders. (link)

Rod's Comment:  I support this and would support similar reforms at all levels of government in numerous fields.  Elected officials should be accountable for policy decisions.  Department heads or cabinet secretaries, or generals should have an advisory roll and a smart executive will often listen to expert advise but the elected chief executive,  answerable to the electorate,  not unelected technocrats, answerable to no one, should  make policy. 

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Residents of Williamson County pay highest average property taxes in Tennessee

The Center Square – Williamson County residents on average paid $2,301 annually in property taxes, the highest such tax levies among all regions of Tennessee, according to a new Tax Foundation analysis. ... the lowest such taxes were found in locations such as the Aleutians East Borough and the Kusilvak Census Area in Alaska, as well as some parishes in Louisiana and Alabama’s Choctaw County, where property owners pay about $200 annually. ... Counties in New York and New Jersey, meanwhile, were home to people who paid the highest median property taxes, with some areas averaging tax bills of more than $10,000, the study found. (link)

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Sunday, November 15, 2020

It is time. The President should concede with dignity, mindful of the future and his legacy.

Rebecca Ann Burke
by Rebecca Ann Burke - In a manner of speaking, today by Tweet, President Trump conceded that Biden won. Yes, he is correct. The suggestion and evidence of fraud is massive. The opportunity was there. Suspect software was used in multiple states. States destroyed the sacred declaration of a given date as voting day by extending it by days, longer than a week, to give suspect parties an opportunity to gather votes. The states refused to verify signatures, thus enabling and covering for fraud, possibly massive.  Those around the President, even his family, are suggesting that he concede. They are right. The courts have begun to turn against him and the possibility of throwing the nation into widespread rioting and a constitutional crisis is a reality. 

They are wrong, too. This is a sacred process and they are denying the President and 72,000,000 people, our day in court. Three major suits in Pennsylvania, home to a long history of voting fraud, have been tossed out by the courts, however. It does not look good. 

The President is a campaigner like no other. The COVID virus kept him out of commission for over a week. He returned to the campaign trail despite doctors' caution that he was still healing. He risked his own health, at his age, to get on the move. If not for that measure of courage, the vote, with fraud baked in, would have been overwhelming. As it is, he nearly won.  Clearly, he is a gigantic vote motivator, but he lost precious time. He can anoint anyone he wants to run in four years, and they will win. 

I believe he will be too old to run himself.  I fear for the NYC attorney general, with her own political aspirations, coming after him and not stopping until he is physically and financially broken. It is not enough for the Far Left to defeat you at the polls, they want to crush you so that anyone tempted to oppose them fears the same fate. The President must focus on the next stage of the fight. 

Right now, I am concerned about his legacy. The words that he utters in concession, a formal one, will be the postscript to an illustrious term as President. I wish for him to carefully consider each word. He need not even mention Biden by name. Biden certainly did not work hard to earn this. He was hidden in the basement by his team who feared everything he might utter. 

This should be the most carefully worded and lofty "promise" of his short political career. He has accomplished more in a short four years, impeded by improper investigations, than any president in my lifetime. He is writing the last paragraph on his page in history books. Let this be absent the vinegar; talk of the marvel of America and that this election will forever motivate true-blue Americans to fight for free and fair elections void of misdeeds. He needs to remind again of all that was accomplished. 

As Biden unravels much of what has been accomplished, we will harken back to the President's words, reminding us of how hard we fought to make positive change. This will become the battle cry two years from now and four years from now. 

Finally, I would like to see the President and the foot-draggers around him in Congress fulfill as many promises to the American people as possible before the end of the President's term. I would like to see him pardon individuals every single day until the end of his term. That includes those unjustly persecuted because they were tied to him in friendship or the campaign, through a bogus Russia investigation. I want the (excuse me) DAMN Durham report released fully, today!!!! I want Barr to move on endless investigations with indictments, today!  I want all outstanding court seats, filled, today!! 

Finally, (you all may disagree, however) the President was willing to correct the cruel policy of the Obama administration that denied citizenship benefits to the children of illegals who were brought here as infants, toddlers and adolescents, without choice. They have been raised in this country, in our schools, and hold down jobs. Meeting strict criteria for their legitimization, and denying that to those adults who are illegal, he should grant a path to citizenship in short order. Mainstream Republicans feel this is something that should have been corrected long ago. Their category of citizenship should NOT be able to be extended to anyone else, certainly not the family members who brought them here illegally. 

This is the President's last opportunity to right wrongs and put his stamp on the future. Republicans in Congress ought to stand with him to strategize their way to permanent changes in fulfillment of any unfinished business. We have long memories. We have only two years to wait to bring justice for the President against those members of Congress who don't help complete NOW, what the President started but cannot complete without them. They should be shaking in their boots.

Rebecca Ann Burke is an astute political observer and one whose opinion I respect. She served as a member to the Tennessee Republican Party Executive Committee for District 23 from 2014-2018. She is the past president of America First Federation. The above essay is reposted from Facebook.

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Report from the Nashville Stop the Steal rally, Nashville, November 14, 2020

Cheryl Brown, Chair of the 
Williamson County Republican Party
Joy Villa sang the National Anthem

The second "Stop the Steal" rally in two weeks took place on Saturday in front of the State capitol building. There were speeches and cheers and music and a festive atmosphere according reports. Senator Mark Pody provided the opening comments. I did not attend the event, but coverage in the Tennessee Star provides a good report of it.  To read The Tennessee Star report of the event follow this link

Fox 17 has a 36 minute video you can watch at this link

Thanks to Cheryl Brown for providing this video of the event. It is about an hour and half long. 
To watch the video follow this link.

For Rick Williams's report and pictures from the rally, follow this link.

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