Monday, January 18, 2021

Armed soldiers to protect the inauguration are justified

Ralph Bristol
by Ralph Bristol, 1/18/21, reposted from Facebook - I’ve seen two separate posts (so far) that have said “If you need…Armed Soldiers to protect your inauguration from The People, then you probably weren’t elected by The People.” 

The 25,000 federal troops plus 10,000 police and other law enforcement are guarding the Capitol, along with a 12’ fence topped with razor wire BECAUSE hundreds of most fanatical wing of pro-Trump protesters easily overran the Capitol police force on 1/6/21 and launched a deadly attack with the stated (during the attack) intent of capturing and/or killing both the Vice President and the Speaker of the House.

They did so immediately after the President, his son and his lawyer held pep rallies for them and urged them to march to the Capitol, “fight like hell” and conduct “trial by combat.” The most fringe element took them literally and attempted exactly that. Most people know not to take Trump literally, but we’re not talking about the hottest French fries in the Happy Meal here. 

Within days, that same element encouraged what they called “armed protests” at the U.S Capitol and state Capitols on or before inauguration day. Given those facts, the troops guarding the incoming administration are justified, and the threat is not coming from “the people.” 

The people who conducted a deadly attack on the Capitol on 1/6/21 and have announced plans for “armed protests” on or before Inauguration Day represent the darkest side of the angriest half of the losing side of the election. That’s not “the people.” Their numbers are large enough to represent a clear and present danger that warrants extraordinary security measures, but they are a very small fraction of one percent of “the people.” Just so the math is clear.

Ralph Bristol is a former popular local conservative radio talk show host with Super Talk 99.7 (WTN 99.7) where he worked for 11 years. He is now semi-retired.

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