Friday, January 29, 2021

Bellevue Breakfast Club to resume in-person meetings Feb. 6th. Councilman Steve Glover guest speaker.

From Lonnie Spivak: 

Greetings Breakfast Club, 

I wanted to remind everyone we are meeting for the first time since the COVID on February 6, at River Art Studio. The address for our temporary meeting location is, 8329 Sayer Brown Rd, in River Plantation, next to Plantation Pub. 

Staci does have her students in and out of her studio, so we will need to follow the counties COVID guidelines. I have hand sanitizer and some extra face shields if needed. I know I said this was just going to be a social event, but Steve Glover has some information regarding taxes in Davison County he would like to share with the group. He has been a great friend us, so I hope you can make the meeting. 

Also, there will not be refreshments at this months meeting, so plan accordingly. Hopefully we can get back to a more normal meeting in the coming months as the county continues to open. I look forward to seeing you. 

Best Regards, 


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