Saturday, January 02, 2021

Both Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty to support rejecting Electoral College votes and requiring an audit of elections.

by Rod Williams, Jan, 2, 2021 - According to the Epoch Times, Senator Marsha Blackburn and Senator Bill Hagerty, both are  among the group of eleven Senators that today announced they’re going to challenge electoral votes during the Jan. 6th joint session of Congress. This makes 12 Senators planning on doing so. 

In addition, should the vote of the Electoral College be rejected, they are going to call on Congress to immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of election returns in disputed states.  When completed, the states would evaluate the commission’s findings and convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.

This will fail as I think it should. I do not believe there was enough fraud to change the election outcome and I do not support this effort. In  public statements and tweets, President Trump has alleged massive fraud and claims he won by a landslide, but in court filings the Trump team has not made a convincing case of sufficient fraud to change an election outcome. Attorney General Bill Barr has said the Justice Department found no evidence of wide-spread fraud sufficient to change the election outcome and dozens of federal and state courts have ruled against the president's effort to overturn the election results. 

Should this effort pass, the next president could still be inaugurated by the January 20th inauguration, so this would not be a violation of that provision of the Constitution.  This is not the first time, members of Congress have challenged a vote from the Electoral College.  Some Democrats did it in both 2017 and 2005.
Update: To read this story from a source I consider more trustworthy than the Epoch Times, read the story in The Wall Street Journal, however WSJ is behind a paywall and you must be a subscriber to view it.  The WSJ story is more in-depth.   

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