Sunday, January 17, 2021

Democrats elect Remus new party chair

Hendrell Remus
Nashville Post - Members of the Tennessee Democratic Party’s executive committee on Saturday elected Hendrell Remus as the new party chair.

Remus, an assistant emergency operations officer at Tennessee State University, is said to be the first Black leader of the state party organization. He has previously run, unsuccessfully, for local and state offices in Memphis. Remus is vice chair of the Tennessee Young Democrats and in that role has served as an ex-officio member of the TNDP Executive Committee. 

Remus takes over the party from three-term chair Mary Mancini at a low point for Tennessee Democrats, who have not won a statewide election since 2006 and whose House and Senate caucuses have dwindled to super-minorities. 

The House and Senate caucuses supported Wade Munday for the chairmanship.(read more)

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