Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Nashville ranked 49th out of 150 cities as best place to live without a car.

by Rod Williams - A group called LawnStarter ranked 2021’s Best Cities for Living Without a Car. They compared the 150 largest U.S. cities across 20 key metrics, from a city’s walkability and transit ridership to its climate. 

Nashville ranked number 49, sandwiched between Austin Texas at 48th and Miami Florida at 50th. The rankings for other Tennessee cities was Knoxville at 132, Chattanooga at 140, and Memphis at 142.

New Orleans a city I am familiar with ranked 66th. That kind of surprised me.  I thought they would rank higher than Nashville. The top five cites were San Francisco, Portland, Washington D.C., Boston, and New York city. 

Being ranked 49th out of 150 is not bad.  If we spent the money allocated to build sidewalks, actually building new sidewalks instead of replacing only slightly worn sidewalks we would have more walkability and perhaps rank higher.  I live in an area with sidewalks about two miles from the heart of downtown and walk almost every day for exercise.   Before everything was locked down, I walked to a destination but now, I just walk.  

My biggest complaint about walking in Nashville, is that drivers will run you over when in a cross walk.  Cars just keep turning and you are taking your life in your hand crossing a street.  I would like to see more police enforcement of traffic rules and an emphasis on pedestrian safety.

To read the full report and see the rankings, follow this link

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