Friday, February 19, 2021

Nashville Chamber defends city's property tax hike amid new petition challenge

 The Tennessean, Feb.18. 2021 -The Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce is speaking out against a new petition drive to reverse the county's 34% property tax increase, which has faced criticism from struggling business owners. Petitions seeking to delay the onset of the tax for two years were mailed out to 200,000 addresses recently.  ... 

 Chamber President Ralph Schulz said revoking the tax change would do more harm than good. "It’s a waste of resources and time regarding issues affecting our city and a distraction from our city’s recovery efforts," Schulz said in the chamber's weekly mass email distribution. "The Chamber has conducted an independent study of the city's budget in which it was discovered that the city’s expenses were largely in line with peer cities, while the city’s revenue was insufficient. This has been further exacerbated by COVID-19." (read more)

Rod's Comment:  The chamber has every right to opine on a issue of public importance and the Camber provides valuable services to the city.  However, the city should not be paying the chamber if they are then going to attempt to influence public debate.  When the Council considers the next Metro budget, those council members opposed to the massive 32% tax increase imposed on Nashville, should vote to cut the city's support for the Chamber. 

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