Tuesday, February 09, 2021

New 2021 Nashville Taxpayers Protection Act Petitions are in the Mail!

by Rod Williams - Last year the effort led by local attorney Jim Robert to roll back the 34% tax increase got more than enough signatures to get on the ballot but a judge ruled it could be kept off the ballot because of some technical deficiencies in the language of the proposed charter amendment.  

Now, the proposed charter amendment has been redesigned to satisfy the Court's objections and the petitions drive starts again.  The last effort generated over 21,000 signatures, which was more signatures than needed.  This time, the bar is higher.  More than 50,000 signatures are needed.  All petitions must be returned by March 5th. 

In addition to rolling back the 34% tax increase, the proposal protects park lands and greenways from being given away to developers, holds property tax increases to 3% per year, abolishes life-time benefits for future former Council members, makes it easier to recall elected officials and some other desirable reforms.  You can read and download the petition at this link


To follow this effort on Facebook, follow this link.

To download the petition, to contribute to the cause, or to learn more visit 4 Good Government.Com.

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