Tuesday, March 09, 2021

MNPS gives no-bid $18 million contract to Meharry Medical Group

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — In the name of emergency, Metro Nashville Public Schools quickly awarded Meharry Medical Group a contract worth up to $18 million for just four-and-half months of work. The work includes testing and monitoring protocols, creating a vaccination plan, and data transfers, all for the eye-opening sum of almost $1 million per week. 

“Don’t tell me there aren’t other people that are capable of doing this for less money,” said Metro councilman Steve Glover. The problem is, with no other bids, we don’t know. We don’t know if someone would have done it for $5 million or $50 million, because all we have is this one bid, unchallenged and blindly accepted by MNPS. (read more)

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