Monday, March 29, 2021

NFIB Statement of Business Fairness Act (SB 474)

NASHVILLE (March 29, 2021) -- NFIB State Director Jim Brown released the following statement tonight in response to the final passage of SB 474, the Business Fairness Act. The House passed it this evening by a vote of 90-0. The Senate approved it earlier by a vote of 28-0. 

This is a big victory for Tennessee's small businesses because it means they can remain open during a pandemic or other health emergency as long as they follow government guidelines to keep customers and employees safe. 

SB 474 ensures that state and local government won't be put in the position of picking winners and losers by deciding some businesses are 'essential' while others aren't. SB 474 puts small businesses on a level playing field with the national chains. SB 474 says if you follow the rules, you can stay open. Hopefully, we'll never have another situation like the one we've had with the coronavirus, but if we do, we need to make sure small businesses can survive.
The National Federation of Independent Business is the nation's leading small business advocacy organization. To learn more about NFIB in Tennessee, visit and follow @NFIB_TN on Twitter.

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