Sunday, March 21, 2021

Turning Point USA to host Nashville event with Candice Owens, March 31st.

From Davidson County Republican Party:

Our friends at Turning Point USA Nashville are hosting an event at the end of the month with Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens! 

The event will be March 31st at 7pm. Right now the event is at Rocketown (601 4th Avenue South) right in downtown Nashville but the venue could change within the week due to the high number of tickets they are selling. We thought this would be something everyone would be interested in.

Below is a graphic to the event as well as the link to sign up for tickets. They sold out of free tickets and only have a limited number of $10 tickets left so sign up fast. Feel free to share this email with any/all your friends and invite them to come out! We look forward to seeing everyone there. Eventbrite link:

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