Friday, March 12, 2021

Victim Of Stalking & Violent Crime Shares Her Harrowing Story In Support of Lifetime Protection Bill

Rod's comment:  This is a powerful statement of a horrify real life experience that speaks to the need of this legislation.  

Victim Of Stalking & Violent Crime Shares Her Harrowing Story In Support of Lifetime Protection Bill

By Nikki Goeser, The Tennessee Conservative The Tennessee State Senate unanimously passed the Lifetime Order of Protection Bill this week. The final vote will take place on Monday, March 15th on the House Floor. This bill is to help prevent victims of violent crimes from being re-victimized. 

My situation is only one example of why this legislation is needed here in TN. Unfortunately, there are other victims of horrific crimes in our state who need help also. 

On April 2, 2009, my life was turned upside down. Completely Shattered. My husband Ben was murdered in front of me by a man who was stalking me. This man’s name is Hank Wise. My husband and I were inside a restaurant and my stalker showed up out of nowhere. My husband had already asked him to leave me alone about a month prior. I realized at that point that I was being stalked. I asked management to remove him from the establishment. 

When management confronted him and asked him to leave, he pulled a .45 from under his jacket and came up behind my husband, shot him in the head, then stood over Ben and continued to fire 6 more rounds into him. In front of myself, 50 witnesses and security cameras. He put the gun back under his jacket and started to walk out like no one would know he was the shooter. 

I knelt beside my husband in a pool of his blood wishing his life back into him, but it was no use, Ben was dead. The horrific scene will be with me for the rest of my life. (continue reading)

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