Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Conservative Groups of Middle Tennessee to sponsor an event, "Let's have a conversation."

Conservative Groups of Middle Tennessee will host an event, "Let's have a conversation."  

What: A conversation among conservatives on the strong points of the last election and how conservatives can unite to win elections.
When:  April 29, 2021, 5:30-7:30pm.
Where: Pies by Gigi, 330 Franklin Ste. 906D, Brentwood, TN. 37027
Who: Representatives from different conservative entities. 
  • Dr. David Black representing the Bible Project, 
  • Leader Gilbert Ramirez representing the Pilipino Chamber and the brave work actions of the Police Department, 
  • Michelle Forman from Tennessee Republican Assembly, 
  • Bobbie Partray from Eagle Forum,
Please RSVP to Tony Roberts (Chylon549@gmail.com) Dan Davis (DDD18247@gmail.com) Sandy Wells (wells46@lecorp.com)

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