Friday, April 23, 2021

DUI Checkpoint Planned for Friday, April 23rd

by Rod Williams- I am posting this Metro press release as a public service: 

Metro police officers will be staffing a sobriety checkpoint on Lebanon Pike in the Hermitage area late Friday night/early Saturday morning as part of the MNPD’s effort to enhance traffic safety. The checkpoint will be staffed by the DUI Unit along with extra-duty officers working through a grant from the Tennessee Highway Safety Office. 

In 2020, 55% of fatal crashes in Davidson County involved impairment, an increase from 2019 when 41% of fatal crashes in Davidson County involved impairment.

So, if you get caught in this sobriety checkpoint tonight you have no one to blame but yourself.  If you have a spouse or boyfriend who tends to drink and drive and they will be traveling in the Hermitage area, warn them. These sobriety checkpoint checks are not surprises.  The city post where they will be.

For more helpful hints from The Rod Williams School of Drunk Driving, follow this link

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