Thursday, April 29, 2021

Final Passage of Right-to-Work Resolution (SJR 2). Right-to-Work Constitutional Amendment will be on the Nov. 2022 ballot.

By Rod Williams - SJR 2 passed the House today by a vote of 67-24-1. It passed the Senate earlier in the legislative session. 

Tennessee has had a right-to-work law on the books since 1947. This act protects workers from being forced to join a labor union. However, this protection is not secure.  If Democrats ever regain control of State government, our right-to-work law could be repealed.  Also, it is under attack in Congress with the U.S. House’s recent passage of the PRO Act. 

Among other things The PRO Act would reclassify gig workers, with such firms like Lyft, Uber and DoorDash, as employees rather than contractors and would give them the right organize as unions.  

SJR2 will now be on the November 2022 General Election ballot as a proposed amendment to the State Constitution. I am pleased our State legislature passed this resolution and support passage of the proposed constitutional amendment.

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