Tuesday, April 27, 2021

"How President Joe Biden’s policies are contributing to the immigration crisis." Tennessean Op-ed by Raul Lopez.

Raul Lopez is the executive director for Latinos for Tennessee, a group committed to promoting faith, family, freedom and fiscal responsibility to the Latino community living in Tennessee. 

 How President Joe Biden’s policies are contributing to the immigration crisis 

Raul Lopez
by Raul Lopez -
The images from the U.S.-Mexico border are heartbreaking. As a father of six, it pains me to see images of families with small children filled with fear and uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring. 

As a refugee from Communist Cuba, the crisis at the border brings back memories of what my family and I faced when we first got to the U.S. But unlike the situation my family and I faced, the current immigration situation we are seeing at the border is completely predictable. 

... According to one estimate, the U.S. Border Patrol has seen a sharp increase of unaccompanied children from 5,858 in January of this year, to 9,457 in February — or a 61% increase. According to the same analysis, this was the largest one-month percentage increase since 2010! ... Under Trump’s leadership, the U.S. demanded that migrants seeking asylum into our country wait in Mexico while their case was being considered. ... Rather than keep in places policies that were deterring would be immigrants from making the long treacherous journey north, President Joe Biden rescinded former President Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy. Predictably, word spread. Migrants knew that with the change in administration, once again all they needed do was to make it to the U.S. (link)

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