Sunday, May 30, 2021

Davidson County Republican Party 2021 Reorganization Convention Comments from the Chairman:

Good evening, 

I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to those who volunteered to help with the reorganization event. Draftees and volunteers alike all made this what has been described as a boring event. A boring event is good at times so thank you again to all. 

I also want to thank all those who have offered support and encouragement to me and to the party. We are living in a critical time in our country. Almost everything we believe in as conservatives and Republicans is being challenged by those wanting to destroy this country, to nullify our constitution, and to subvert the very foundation of our society. 

I firmly believe if we work together and use our combined strengths we can take the Republican Party to all new heights here in Davidson County. Our city is counting on us let's not let them down. 

Jim Garrett, Chairman

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