Friday, May 07, 2021

DCRP Reorganization

From Jim Garrett, Chairman, Davidson County Republican Party:

Good evening, 

The Davidson County Republican Party will be reorganizing this month. Details of the reorganization are being finalized and will be announced shortly. This will be what is termed a Mass Convention with the first part of the day focused on District Caucuses and the election or appointment of District Chairmen and Precinct Captains. The District Caucuses will be followed by the Reorganizational Convention. 

During the reorganizational convention, our responsibilities are to elect the Officers and Regional Vice-Chairs to serve until the next reorganization in 2023. The positions up for election will be: 
  • Chairman, 
  •  1st Vice-Chairman, 
  •  2nd Vice-Chairman, 
  •  Recording Secretary, 
  •  Communication Secretary, 
  •  Treasurer, 
  •  Vice-Treasurer, 
  •  North Region Vice-Chair, 
  •  North Central Region Vice-Chair, 
  •  East Region Vice-Chair, 
  •  West Region Vice-Chair, 
  •  South Region Vice-Chair, 
  •  South Central Region Vice-Chair, and 
  •  Southeast Region Vice-Chair. 
 To qualify for office as County Party Chairman, a candidate must be: an individual who is actively involved in the Tennessee Republican Party, the County Republican Party, or any recognized auxiliary of either; be a citizen who has voted in all three of the last three (3) statewide Republican primary elections (August 2020, March 2020, and August 2018); be a registered voter in Davidson County, Tennessee. Also, per a recent change in the TRP Rules and Regulations, a candidate for Chairman must notify his intent to run for the position to the Chairman of the Contest and Credential Committee of at least seven (7) or more calendar days in advance of the reorganization convention. Failure to meet the seven (7) day deadline will result in the candidate NOT being considered for nomination for the position. 

To qualify for office as an Officer or Regional Vice-Chair, a candidate must be an individual who is actively involved in the Tennessee Republican Party, the County Republican Party, or any recognized auxiliary organization of either; be a citizen who has voted in at least three (3) of the last four (4) statewide Republican primary elections (August 2020, March 2020, August 2018, and August 2016); be a legally registered voter in Davidson County, Tennessee; for Regional Vice-Chair, be a resident from within the Council Districts comprising that Region. 

All Officer (except for the Chairman) and Regional Vice-Chair positions may be nominated from the floor of the convention. 

Voting records provided by the Davidson Co. Election Commission will be used to verify a candidate’s voting record. Should the candidate NOT have a sufficient voting record in this county, it will be the candidate’s responsibility to provide to the Contest and Credentials Committee a certified copy of the candidate’s most recent voting record from their previous address to satisfy this requirement. Failure to provide this record will result in the candidate’s name not being presented for nomination. 

If you wish to ask us a question, have a comment, or want to place your name in nomination for one of the positions mentioned above, you may reach us by phone or U.S. Mail at: 
Davidson County Republican Party 
P.O. Box 158419 
Nashville, Tennessee 37215-8419 

Phone: 615-933-1872 or via email at:

Jim Garrett, Chairman

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