Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Latinos for Tennessee: Join us Next Thursday, June 3 in Nashville to Support School Choice!

From Latinos for Tennessee:

As you know, every child is unique and special. Unfortunately, our educational system operates under a one-size-fits-all model. This helps explain why so many of our children – especially our Latino students – are falling further and further behind. But on Thursday, June 3 at 8AM at Legislative Plaza & the Nashville City Club 301 6th Avenue North; Nashville, TN 37243 – you have a chance to join dozens of parents, advocates and community leaders to speak up in support of school choice! 

School choice is the idea that parents should be able to choose a school of their choice regardless of their zip code or their income. The rally will take place outside the steps of the Tennessee Supreme Court as justices consider a case involving school choice. It is imperative that we have a strong showing of support at this rally to show opponents and the mainstream media that Tennessee families want school choice! Can we count on you to join us? Will you please take a look at this link when you have a chance and register immediately? 

Our friends from American Federation for Children have generously agreed to provide meals and even accommodations for all those interested in attending the rally. Thank you for fighting for freedom and supporting school choice – the civil rights issue of our time! 

In Gratitude, 
 Raul Lopez

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