Sunday, May 23, 2021

"Let's have a conversation."

From Tony Roberts - Conservative Groups of Middle Tennessee plans to sponsor an event on "Let's have a conversation." The meeting is being held on May 27, 2021 at Pies by Gigi, 330 Franklin Ste. 906D Brentwood, TN. 37027 from 5:30-7:30pm. 

The conversation will include our strong points in the last elections and how we can unite and be a force to be dealt with. Our subject will concentrate on Prison Reform and our speakers for the evening will include Judge Deanna Johnson, Connie Reguli, and Michelle Forman of the Tennessee Republican Assembly, hosted by Sandy Wells, Dan Davis, and myself. 

The action of Conservatism showed promise of what can be accomplished in the unity of strength. In the field of local politics, the people achieve new goals in defining the conservative structure. This year new goals must be faced in overcoming some of the worst times in American history generated by the freedom of the press. One must however remember why the United States was born as a nation. We must not accept politics as usual and move into an era where rights guaranteed by the constitution will be enforced. We must join forces and elect responsible candidates. By banning together with the 80-20 rule a pace must set a precedent to generate over Tennessee and over the United States to help safeguard the new future. The college republicans are growing and the time is to give them support and join forces in preparation for the hard journey faced this year. 

Please RSVP to Tony Roberts (, Dan Davis ( or Sandy Wells (

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