Friday, May 28, 2021

LGBT Chamber of Commerce will go all out to defeat the Nashville Taxpayer protection act

Says passage of the tax roll-back referendum would disproportionately harm minority and
diverse communities. 

LGBT Chamber of Commerce press release, (Nashville) – Nashville LGBT Chamber of Commerce CEO Joe Woolley today made clear that Nashville’s LGBTQ and other diverse and minority-owned small business community would face significant setbacks in their efforts to expand economic opportunity and grow new businesses across the city if the reckless July referendum is successful. He also said the organization would employ its vast network to advocate against it. 

“Nashville’s businesses -- from large corporations to local neighborhood shops -- have faced enormous challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the extraordinary economic crisis it caused,” Woolley said. “As Nashville’s economic engines, we need our businesses to focus on rebuilding, creating jobs and expanding economic opportunities throughout our city.” “Yet, if this anti-business referendum succeeds in its mission, it will leave every current business -- and potential new business -- continually facing the real chance that the foundation they’re building upon will collapse,” he continued. 

“This referendum will create chaos across our government system, undermine our economic stability and put Nashville on a path towards destruction, with every decision made to plan for the future being questioned and potentially overruled. 

“What’s worse, our minority communities and businesses will disproportionately suffer the consequences,” Woolley added. “It will harm efforts to invest in minority and diverse-owned businesses and to ensure that all of Nashville can participate in our economic revitalization. 

Make no mistake, the LGBTQ Chamber will engage our strong network of members to advocate against it.” 

The Nashville LGBT Chamber of Commerce is the premier advocate of the Greater Nashville Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and ally business community, representing over 550+ businesses, community groups, and individuals in Nashville and the surrounding area. We advocate, educate, and connect on behalf of our individual, small business, corporate, and nonprofit members who share the values of promoting inclusion, diversity and equity in business and society.

Disclaimer: As the author of A Disgruntled Republican I often post items which I think may be of interest to the conservative, Republican, libertarian or the greater community. Posting of a press release or an announcement of an event does not necessarily indicate an endorsement. Rod

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