Tuesday, May 18, 2021

National Speakers To Address Critical Race Theory Taught in Williamson County Schools

Franklin, TN, Moms for LIberty, May 17, 2021 - The Williamson County chapter of Moms for Liberty will host “Critical Race Theory 101” on May 19 from 5-8 p.m. at Liberty Hall in the Factory, 230 Franklin Rd. in Franklin. 

Doors open at 4pm. Admission is free with food available for purchase. The event is designed to educate Williamson County parents about what Critical Race Theory (CRT) teaches children and how—despite recent legislation intended to keep CRT out of Tennessee schools—it has seeped into Williamson County Schools (WCS) via new curriculum and an anticipated Diversity, Equity and Inclusion plan up for adoption this summer. 

“Critical race theory claims to solve racial discrimination by promoting racial discrimination,” said Robin Steenman, head of Moms for Liberty’s Williamson County chapter. “It is based on inherently racist assumptions and views virtually every situation through the lens of race.” 

Steenman believes CRT indoctrination divides rather than unites by promoting race-based stereotypes. “School board member Eric Welch, Superintendent Jason Golden and others deny that CRT is being taught in Williamson County Schools. However, just because curriculum isn’t labeled CRT does not mean that its concepts aren’t being taught to impressionable and defenseless children,” Steenman noted.

She extended an invitation to the WCS school board, Superintendent Golden, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum Dave Allen, county commissioners, aldermen and other public officials to attend the May 19 event and hear from a panel of experts, as well as a local parent, about their experiences with CRT. Like all attendees, they will have an opportunity to participate in the Q&A session. 

Williamson County Schools Approves CRT
In February the WCS board of education unanimously approved a contract with Fostering Healthy Solutions—a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion(DEI) firm—to help the school system develop a “cultural strategic plan.” It is well documented that DEI is another label for CRT, for which there are many labels to include “social justice”, “culturally responsive teaching,” “white privilege,” “cultural sensitivity training,” and “anti-racism.” 

“Far from providing positive solutions, CRT is destructive and divisive, which is why it is so important for Williamson County parents to understand exactly what is being taught to our children, sometimes in subtle ways, and the euphemistic language used to plant seeds that oppression and racism are everywhere,” Steenman said. 

“Curriculum that is repeatedly hyper-focused on division along racial lines is very harmful to young children who do not yet have the level of maturity or capacity to think critically, and this can have serious consequences” added Lori Fredhim, a member of Moms for Liberty-Williamson County.  “When elementary school kids come home from school and say they are ashamed of the color of their skin, it seems pretty clear they are being influenced by CRT ideology.” 

CRT101 Line Up 
The “CRT 101” speakers are as follows: 
  • Dr. Beth Meyers, independent research consultant and education advocate, who will address Wit and Wisdom (WCS K-5 curriculum, adopted last year). 
  • Robby Starbuck, a producer and director, who as a Latino-American father opposed to CRT and seeks to ban it nationally. 
  • Dr. Gary Thompson, doctor of clinical and forensic psychology and co-founder of Early Life Child Psychology, who will address the psychological effects that CRT has on the minds of children. 
  • Dr. Wenyuan Wu, executive director of the Californians for Equal Rights Foundation, a non-partisan and non-profit organization dedicated to the cause of equal rights. Dr. Wu taught CRT at the collegiate level and is considered an expert on the topic. 
The presentations will be followed by an audience Q&A session with the panel. 

Moms for Liberty www.momsforliberty.org is a national organization with chapters in 15 states. It exists to unify, educate and empower parents about various issues affecting public schools and students.

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