Tuesday, May 18, 2021


"Secretly-Funded Radical Extremists Aim to Disrupt Nashville," says supergroup composed of business interest, public sector unionist, and assorted liberal and woke progressive organizations. 

Save Nashville Now press release Nashville) - A broad coalition of community organizations, neighborhood leaders, small business-owners, taxpayers, homeowners, renters, faith leaders, educators and parents from across Nashville joined together today to announce the launch of Save Nashville Now.

This campaign will defeat a July 27th referendum that would result in drastic cuts to critical services, threaten the safety and security of residents, and hamper the city’s efforts to fully recover from the economic impact of COVID-19.

“This is a very dangerous referendum,” Amanda Kail, president of the Metro Nashville Education Association, said in describing the referendum’s impact on education. “If this passes, our students will see drastic cuts to their schools, including fewer teachers, bigger class sizes, and major cuts to social and emotional supports, educational materials, athletics, school libraries, art and music programs, and career and technical education courses. We must vote no on July 27th.”

“This group funded by dark money threatens the quality of life in Nashville,” said Central Labor Council President Vonda McDaniel. “Rather than making needed investments in our city and neighborhoods, this referendum would make deep cuts to public safety and local government. It will be devastating to our quality of life if it passes.”

“Our city employees have been doing more with less every year as Nashville has grown. We are just now starting to be in a position to make the investments the city needs. This referendum will result in libraries, parks, and community centers closing,” said SEIU Local 205 President Brad Rayson. “We have to vote no on July 27th.”

The coalition also announced that the following local leaders, organizations and community groups will serve on the Save Nashville Now campaign committee:

Labor, safety, education and public employees 
  • The Central Labor Council of Nashville and Middle Tennessee 
  • International Firefighters International Association IFFA local 140 
  • Service Employees International Union Local 205 
  • Laborers International Union of North America Local 386 
  • Metro Nashville Education Association, NEA affiliate 
Faith groups 
  • IMF — International Ministerial Fellowship AMAC — American Muslim Advisory Council NOAH — Nashville Organizing for Action and Hope is a multi-faith organization with over 60 congregations and faith groups represented. Full list is here. 
  • Nashville Jewish Social Justice Roundtable 
Community groups 
  • The Equity Alliance Fund 
  • TIRRC Votes! 
  • A VOICE for the Reduction of Poverty 
  • Nashville for All of Us 
  • Stand Up 
Nashville Business groups 
  • Nashville Chamber of Commerce — President/CEO Ralph Shulz 
  • LGBT Chamber of Commerce — President/CEO Joe Wooley 
  • Nashville Business Coalition — President Joseph Woodson 
  • Nashville Visitor Convention Bureau — President Butch Spyridon 
  • Greater Nashville Realtors Association — President Jarron Springer 
  • Nashville Business Alliance – President Michael Carter 
“We care about the future of our city,” members of the committee said. “And we understand what’s at stake. That’s why we are coming together on behalf of our families, neighborhoods, and our most vulnerable residents to fight against this dangerous referendum. Nashville cannot afford to let these radical extremists win.”

As the author of A Disgruntled Republican I often post items that I think may be of interest to the conservative, Republican, libertarian or the greater community. Posting of a press release or an announcement of an event does not necessarily indicate an endorsement. Rod

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